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Milina 33" YOW City Cruiser

Milina 33" YOW City Cruiser

Regular price €169,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €169,90 EUR

We asked our rider Lenart Oblak for a nice word in Slovenian to describe this board and he came out with Milina. We use it in peaceful moments when everything is as it should be and there’s nothing to worry about.


Board width: 9.5"

Board length: 33"

Board wheelbase: 19"

Board concave: Low

Rocker: Tail Rocker

Wheel diameter: 62x46mm

Weight: 2,785kg


We asked our rider Lenart Oblak for a nice word in Slovenian to describe this board and he came out with Milina. To describe the feeling of this board we just decided to copy/paste his explanation of the word: “It's not easy to translate but I guess closest word to it would be “fullness”… we use it in peaceful moments when everything is as it should be and there’s nothing to worry about. For example, you’re on vacation…just finished the whole day…you’re chillin’ at the beach, crack a cold one while watching the sunset… and you go “milina”… I would use it in similar situations as let's say ‘life is beautiful’.
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